BRC guidelines state that headwear should fully contain all scalp hair to prevent product contamination and should include snoods for beards and moustaches, where required, to prevent product contamination.
At Lion, not only do we take these guidelines in to account, we also look at environmental conditions, such as heat, or cold, when recommending products too. This unique combination, ensures operative comfort and decreased adjusting, in the factory environment.
If you would like us to visit your factory, then please get in touch. From changing rooms through to the factory floor, we assess each area and note what you do well and what may be improved.
Feedback is given at the end of the visit and a full, comprehensive, written report is provided within 5 working days. Finally, in a follow up meeting, we issue our certificate, which is often shown to customers and auditors, to show due diligence.
Perfect for BRC audit preparations.